RHIZONITRO is a liquid and powder based nitrogenous bio fertilizes, it’s special design for legume crops. RHIZONITRO provide nitrogen to plants from the atmosphere by symbiotic associations with plant roots, RHIZONITRO contain different verities of Rhizobium spp. It’s induce the leguminous plant to form nodules in the roots and fixes the atmospherics nitrogen and fulfil plant nitrogen demand and increase plant growth
and yields.

Advantages of Rhizonitro

  • Provide best growth to the legume plant
  • Increase legume crop seed size and weight
  • RHIZONITRO reduce urea usage up to 40-50 %.
  • RHIZONITRO is 100 % bio product it is useful in organic farming also.

How to Apply

1L RHIZONITRO in one vigh or 2 L / Acre During 1st water.
Seed treatment : 100 ml or 200 gm / 1kg seeds before sowing.
Soil treatment : 1 L or 2 kg powder mix with 100 kg FYM / Compost & Broadcasts in 1 acre.

Recommended crop

RHIZONITRO is suitable for application on leguminous crops such as Ground nut, Blackgram, Green gram, Red gram, Cow pea, Bengal gram, Mustard, Soy bean, French bean, Cluster bean, Lab-Lab, Sesbania and
many more of the legume species.