PC-1 is formulated from natural plant extraxts, which gives best results as on insect repellent, anti-feeding growth is disrupted and effective at all stages.
It is effective on leaf eating insects.
Method of use :
80 gm. PC – 1 diluted in 100 liter of water, stir well and use. As this is a natural product we recommend this procedure for best results. Depending on the requirement, concentrated dose can be used. Early in the morning or late in the evening spray gives best results. The optimum does per acre is 80 gm. If more attack of insects then weekly interval two spray and/or 15 days interval regular does can be used.
Area of Application :
PC – 1 Is effective on wide range of horticultural, floricultural and agricultural Crops viz. vegetables. Crops like-tomato, potato, cabbage, cauliflower, brinjal, okra, peas, beans, spinach, lady’s finger, etc. fruits crops like – grapes, guava, sapota, strawberries, mango, citrus, banana, apple, coconut etx. Field crops like-cotton, paddy, sorghum, sunflower, mustard, ground nut, cumin, wheat, maize, legumes, sugarcane, etx. And plantation crops like-cardamom, tea, coffee, floriculture, home gardening, medicinal plants etc.
Storage :
Keep in dry and cool place. Do not expose to direct sunlight or heat. Keep away from child.
Shelf life : (Two years from the date of manufacture).
Antidote : Ingestion for small quantities give large amounts of salty water; induce vomiting. If large amounts are ingested, seek medical attention.
Safety instruction :
Mild symptoms like headache vomiting and dizzness in case of severe exposure.
Eye contact: do not rub eyes rinse with large amounts of plain water. If eyes are irritated, get medical attention. Skin contact, wash with soap and water. Launder contaminated clothing before reuse.
The packages shall be broken and burned away from habitation. The packages shall not be left outside to prevent their re-use.
Contents : Neem extracts, karanj, turmeric, natural extract etc.