Magnesium is an indispensable mineral for plant growth, for it plays a major role in the production of chlorophyll, on which photosynthesis depends. Many critical physiological and biochemical processes in plants are adversely affected by magnesium deficiency, leading to impairments in growth and yield. P.G.R Magnesium is complex formed by Amino acids, Gluconates & Magnesium in readily available form for the plants. P.G.R Magnesium addresses the magnesium deficiency. Gluconates and Amino acids helps in better absorption of the mineral by the plant. P.G.R Magnesium is available in both Liquid and granule form. P.G.R Magnesium in granule form is formed by using natural clay as base material. The slow releasing natural of the base material makes the nutrient available to the plant for a longer duration.
RECOMMENDATION: Vegetables, Maize, Fruits, Cotton, Cereals, Horticultural Crop & all other crops.
- Enhances synthesis of organic compounds which are useful for plant grown & functioning
- Helps in chlorophyll formation, hence increases the photosynthetic rate
- Increases the yield & quality of the produce
- Helps in Synthesis of amino acids & cell proteins
- Facilitates the utilization of other important nutrients by the plant
- Completely biodegradable and improves soil health
- Compatible to be used along with other fertilizers / pesticides
Method of Application & Dosage:
Liquid : Foliar Application: 2-3 ml / litter of water / Drip lrrigation: 1-1.5 liter/acre.
Granule: 10 kg / acre*.
*Dosages will vary based on various Geo climatic conditions and crops.
Packing: Liquid formulation is available in 250 ml, 500 ml, 1000ml packing.
Granular formulation is available in 10 kg packing.