P.G.R.-2 (A Herbal Product for Healthy Growth of Plants)
Healdhy Growth contains seaweed extract, naturally occurring trace elements of plant origin. Healdhy Growth can be used as foliar spray or through drip on all type of crops like cotton, paddy, wheat, potato, pulses, groundnut, sugarcane, banana etc. and vegetable likes cabbage, chilly, tomato, etc. to improve the quality and yield. It is non-toxic, water soluble. Do not mix with any chemical insecticides.
Benefits :
- Increase in biological activity.
- Better absorption of soil nutrients by plants.
- Increase in development of radicular system.
- Reduction in transportion shock & better growth (anti-stress).
- Stimulate photosynthesis.
- Increase blooming duration & fruit quantity & quality &prevents flower shedding.
- Slow down the ageing process.
- Better resistance to high temperature conditions & parasites.
Contents :
Seaweed extract, potassium humate, carbohydrates, trace elements, Amino Acid, etc.
Usage :
Shake well before use. Use 3-4 ml/liter of water. Aply in early morning or late evening for better results.
Storage :
Store in a dry & cool place. Keep out of reach of children.