Advantages of Fungivax
- Protect plant against wilt, charmi, sukhara, pythium like all kinds of fungus diseases
- Privet farmer loss and increase farmer income.
- Does not affect any soil bacteria, earthworm & natural eliminate, it’s only kill fungus.
- Seed & seedling treatment creates a favorable growing environment with a variety of plant health benefits.
- FUNGIVEX 100 % Natural product so useful in Organic Farming.
How to Apply
1 Liter FUNGVEX apply in 1 Vigha & 50 ml / 1 kg for Seed treatment after sowing on a first water use 1 L fungivex in 1 vigha or 1.75 L in 1 Acre.
Recommended crop
FUNGIVEX can be used in Every Fruit crops, Vegetables, Pulses , potato, jeera, sugarcane like every plants.